
10. Julia Louis Dreyfus

Julia Louis Dreyfus is worth $3.4 billion. How, you might be thinking – she’s an actress, comedian and producer, and basically a celebrity figure, and, no disrespect, there are other better and more prominent actresses and comedians around – so how the hell is she a billionaire? Well, her dad just so happened to be a billionaire. Her father, Gerard (aka William) Louis-Dreyfus, was a successful businessman who was part of the famous Louis-Dreyfus Company.

Julia’s great-great grandad founded the company, Louis Dreyfus Group, which is a French commodities and shipping corporation, and it’s a company that’s been controlled by her family through the ages.

Julia’s parents divorced when she was just one, but she still maintained a close relationship with her dad. She didn’t feel the need to get on board and carry on in the family’s business, neither did her siblings, and her dad was totally fine with that. When Gerard passed away in 2016, she ended up inheriting a vast sum of wealth, which when added to her already sizable bank balance, makes for a pretty hefty sum.
