
7. Money makes life easier.

Philip Taylor created the PT Money blog in 2007 as a way to share his own experiences managing his money and learning more about personal finance. Now he’s the one teaching his loyal following how to take control of their finances.

“Money — or my mastery of it — certainly has made my life easier,” Taylor said. “I have a ton of options, freedoms and protections. But an easy life doesn’t equal happiness. I have to choose that daily.”

8. Money lets you do what you love.

Being happy at your job makes a world of difference.Sebastiaan ter Burg/Flickr

Jon Dulin dug himself out of $10,000 in credit-card debt and now plans to retire by 50. So the creator of the Money Smart Guides blog has seen how money can give you more options in life, he said.

“For me, money has brought happiness in this way,” Dulin said. “Because my wife and I worked hard and saved a lot every month, I took advantage of starting my own business. Had we not saved as we did, I wouldn’t have that option.”

