
21. Take unnecessary risk.

Wealthy people understand you can’t believe every fly-by-night scheme that comes your way. Estimate risk by seeking advice from those who made money in the area of your consideration.

22. Avoid risk.

Everything in life has risk, including doing nothing and maintaining the status quo. The trick is properly understanding that risk. Waiting to take action out of fear is a choice with little upside. If you aren’t moving forward, you’re moving backwards. It’s that simple.

23. Get lucky.

The smarter you work, the luckier you get.

24. Work hard.

Having persistence will only get you so far. You can easily spin the wheel for decades with no forward movement. You can work as hard as you like, but if your actions only move you at a snail’s pace in the right direction or you’re moving in the wrong direction, you’ll never achieve your goal.

If you aren’t getting where you want to go, ask yourself why. Put in the needed effort, but always work smarter instead of harder if given a choice, and don’t be afraid to change course once it becomes clear you’re headed in the wrong direction.

25. Apply little effort.

You won’t succeed at anything if you don’t see it through or give it a decent effort. Work smart, but some effort is always required, so do what’s needed to get you where you want to go.
